Quote 1: The only real failure in life is not to be true to the best one knows.
In Hindi: जो आप अच्छी तरह जानते हैं , उसके प्रति इमानदार ना होना ही जीवन की एक मात्र विफलता है .
Lord Buddha भगवान गौतम बुद्ध
Quote 2: Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.
In Hindi : बार बार असफल होने पर भी उत्साह ना खोना ही सफलता है .
Winston Churchill विंस्टन चर्चिल
Quote 3: My great concern is not whether you have failed, but whether you are content with your failure.
In Hindi: मेरी चिंता यह नहीं है कि आप विफल हो गए , बल्कि यह है कि कहीं आप अपनी विफलता से संतुष्ट तो नहीं हैं .
Abraham Lincoln अब्राहम लिंकन
Quote 4: Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.
In Hindi: सफलता अंत नहीं है , असफलता घातक नहीं है : लगे रहने का साहस ही मायने रखता है.
Winston Churchill विंस्टन चर्चिल
Quote 5 : Success depends upon previous preparation, and without such preparation there is sure to be failure.
In Hindi : सफलता पहले से की गयी तयारी पर निर्भर है,और बिना ऐसी तयारी के असफलता निश्चित है.
Confucius कन्फ्यूशियस
Quote 6: Ambition is the last refuge of the failure.
In Hindi: महत्त्वाकांक्षा विफलता की अंतिम शरण है .
Oscar Wilde आस्कर वाइल्ड
Quote 7: There is no such thing as failure. There are only results.
In Hindi: विफलता जैसी कोई चीज नहीं है . ये बस परिणाम हैं .
Tony Robbins टोनी रोब्बिन्स
Quote 8:Remembering
that I’ll be dead soon is the most important tool I’ve ever encountered
to help me make the big choices in life. Because almost everything —
all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or
failure – these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only
what is truly important. Remembering that you are going to die is the
best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to
lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your
In Hindi :
इस बात को याद रखना कि मैं बहत जल्द मर जाऊँगा मुझे अपनी ज़िन्दगी के
बड़े निर्णय लेने में सबसे ज्यादा मददगार होता है, क्योंकि जब एक बार मौत
के बारे में सोचता हूँ तब सारी उम्मीद , सारा गर्व ,असफल होने का डर सब
कुछ गायब हो जाता है और सिर्फ वही बचता है जो वाकई ज़रूरी है.इस बात को याद
करना की एक दिन मरना है…किसी चीज को खोने के डर को दूर करने का सबसे
अच्छा तरीका है.आप पहले से ही नंगे हैं.ऐसा कोई कारण नहीं है की आप अपने
दिल की ना सुने.
Steve Jobs स्टीव जाब्स
Quote 9: I can accept failure, everyone fails at something. But I can’t accept not trying.
In Hindi:
मैं असफलता को स्वीकार कर सकता हूँ , हर कोई किसी ना किसी चीज
में विफल होता है . लेकिन मैं प्रयास ना करना नहीं स्वीकार कर
सकता .
Michael Jordan माइकल जार्डन
Quote 10: Why should anybody be interested in some old man who was a failure?
In Hindi: भला कोई किसी ऐसे आदमी में क्यों रूचि लेगा जो असफल था .
Ernest Hemingway एर्नेस्ट हेमिग्वे
Quote 11 :In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure.
In Hindi : सफल होने के लिए , सफलता की इच्छा ,असफलता के भय सेअधिक होनी चाहिए.
Bill Cosby बिल कासबी
Quote 12:
People in their handlings of affairs often fail when they are about to
succeed. If one remains as careful at the end as he was at the
beginning, there will be no failure.
In Hindi:
लोग अपने कार्य में अक्सर तब विफल हो जाते हैं जब वो सफल
होने ही वाले होते हैं .यदि कोई अंत में उतना ही चौकन्ना रहे
जितना कि वो प्रारंभ में था , तो कोई विफलता नहीं होगी .
Lao Tzu लाओ जू
Quote 13: Success is never final, failure is never fatal. It’s courage that counts.
In Hindi: सफलता कभी अंतिम नहीं होती , विफलता कभी घातक नहीं होती . जो मायने रखता है वो है साहस .
John Wooden जॉन वुडेन
Quote 14: Develop success from failures. Discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success.
In Hindi : असफलता से सफलता का सृजन कीजिये. निराशा और असफलता, सफलता के दो निश्चित आधार स्तम्भ हैं.
Dale Carnegie डेल कार्नेगी
Quote 15: Failure is not fatal, but failure to change might be.
In Hindi: असफलता घातक नहीं होती , लेकिन स्वयं को बदलने में विफल होना घातक हो सकता है.
John Wooden जॉन वुडेन
Quote 16: You cannot climb the ladder of success dressed in the costume of failure.
In Hindi: आप सफलता की सीढ़ी असफलता के कपडे पहन कर नहीं चढ़ सकते .
Zig Ziglar जिग जिगलर
Quote 17: Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently.
In Hindi: असफलता महज एक अवसर है फिर से शुरुआत करने का , इस बार और बुद्धिमानी से .
Henry Ford हेनरी फोर्ड
Quote 18: I honestly think it is better to be a failure at something you love than to be a success at something you hate.
In Hindi:
मई इमानदारी से मानता हूँ कि जिस चीज को आप चाहते हैं उसमे
असफल होना जिस चीज से आप नफरत करते हैं उसमे सफल होने से
बेहतर है .
George Burns जार्ज बर्न्स
Quote 19: I don’t believe in failure. It is not failure if you enjoyed the process.
In Hindi: मैं असफलता में यकीन नहीं करती . यदि आपने काम का लुत्फ़ उठाया है तो यह असफलता नहीं है .
Oprah Winfrey ओपरा विनफ्रे
Quote 20: Most great people have attained their greatest success just one step beyond their greatest failure.
In Hindi: अधिकतर महान लोगों ने अपनी सबसे बड़ी सफलता अपनी सबसे बड़ी विफलता के एक कदम आगे हांसिल की है.
Napoleon Hill नेपोलियन हिल
Quote 21:
Restlessness is discontent and discontent is the first necessity of
progress. Show me a thoroughly satisfied man and I will show you a
In Hindi:
व्याकुलता असंतोष है और असंतोष प्रगति की पहली आवश्यकता है . आप
मुझे कोई पूर्ण रूप से संतुष्ट व्यक्ति दिखाइए और मैं आपको एक
असफल व्यक्ति दिखा दूंगा .
Thomas A. Edison थोमस ए एडिसन
Quote 22:
Once you start a working on something, don’t be afraid of failure and
don’t abandon it. People who work sincerely are the happiest.
In Hindi :
जब आप किसी काम की शुरुआत करें , तो असफलता से मत डरें और उस काम को ना
छोड़ें. जो लोग इमानदारी से काम करते हैं वो सबसे प्रसन्न होते हैं.
Chanakya चाणक्य
Quote 23: I don’t know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody.
In Hindi :मुझे सफलता का मन्त्र नहीं पता, पर सभी को खुश करने का प्रयास करना ही असफलता का मन्त्र है.
Bill Cosby बिल कासबी
Quote 24: It’s fine to celebrate success but it is more important to heed the lessons of failure.
In Hindi : सफलता की ख़ुशी मानना अच्छा है पर उससे ज़रूरी है अपनी असफलता से सीख लेना
Bill Gates बिल गेट्स
Quote 26: My reputation grows with every failure.
In Hindi: हर असफलता के साथ मेरी प्रतिष्ठा बढती जाती है .
George Bernard Shaw जार्ज बर्नार्ड शा
Quote 26: Failure is not an option. Everyone has to succeed.
In Hindi: असफलता कोई विकल्प नहीं है . सभी को सफल होना है .
Arnold Schwarzenegger ऐर्नोल्ड स्वाज्नेगर
Quote 27:
The theory seems to be that as long as a man is a failure he is one of
God’s children, but that as soon as he succeeds he is taken over by the
In Hindi:
सिद्धांत कुछ ऐसा लगता है कि जब तक इंसान असफल रहता है वो
ईश्वर की संतान होता है , लेकिन जैसे ही वह सफल हो जाता है वो
शैतान द्वारा अपना लिया जाता है .
H. L. Mencken एच .एल . मेन्केन
Quote 28: Not failure, but low aim, is crime.
in Hindi: असफलता नहीं , बल्कि छोटा लक्ष्य रखना अपराध है .
James Russell Lowell जेम्स रस्सेल लोवेल
Quote 29: Through perseverance many people win success out of what seemed destined to be certain failure.
In Hindi: धैर्य के माध्यम से कई लोग उन परिस्थितियों में भी सफल हो जाते हैं जो कि एक निश्चित असफलता जान पड़ती है .
Benjamin Disraeli बेंजामिन डीज्रैली
Quote 30: Failure doesn’t mean you are a failure it just means you haven’t succeeded yet.
In Hindi: असफलता का ये मतलब नहीं है कि आप असफल हैं इसका बस ये मतलब है कि आप अभी तक सफल नहीं हुए हैं .
Robert H. Schuller रोबेर्ट एच . स्कूलर
Quote 31: If there exists no possibility of failure, then victory is meaningless.
In Hindi: यदि हार की कोई सम्भावना ना हो तो जीत का कोई अर्थ नहीं है .
Robert H. Schuller रोबेर्ट एच . स्कूलर
Quote 32: There is but one cause of human failure. And that is man’s lack of faith in his true Self.
In Hindi: मनुष्य की असफलता का बस एक ही कारण है . और वो है स्वयं पर विश्वास में कमी होना .
William James विल्ल्यम जेम्स
Quote 33: Failure happens all the time. It happens every day in practice. What makes you better is how you react to it.
In Hindi:
हर समय असफलता मिलती रहती है . असल में यह रोजाना मिलती है . जो
चीज आपको बेहतर बनाती है वो यह है कि आप असफलता पर किस
प्रकार प्रतिक्रिया करते हैं .
Mia Hamm मिया हम
Quote 34: He who risks and fails can be forgiven. He who never risks and never fails is a failure in his whole being.
In Hindi:
जिसने खतरा उठाया और असफल हो गया उसे क्षमा किया जा सकता है .
जिसने कभी खतरा नहीं उठाया और कभी असफल नहीं हुआ वो खुद में
एक असफल व्यक्ति है .
Paul Tillich पॉल टीलीच
Quote 35: Failure is something we can avoid only by saying nothing, doing nothing, and being nothing.
In Hindi: असफलता कुछ ऐसा है जिससे हम सिर्फ ना कुछ कह कर , ना कुछ कर के , और ना कुछ होकर बच सकते हैं .
Denis Waitley डेनिस वैटली
Quote 36: A man can fail many times, but he isn’t a failure until he begins to blame somebody else.
In Hindi: कोई व्यक्ति कई बार विफल हो सकता है , लेकिन वो तब तक असफल नहीं है जब वो दूसरों को दोष ना देने लगे .
John Burroughs जॉन बर्रोज़
Quote 37: No man is a failure who is enjoying life.
In Hindi: जो भी व्यक्ति जीवन का आनंद उठा रहा है वो असफल नहीं है .
William Feather विल्लियम फेदर
Quote 38: I think success has no rules, but you can learn a great deal from failure.
In Hindi: मेरा मानना है कि सफलता का कोई नियम नहीं है , लेकिन आप असफलता से बहुत कुछ सीख सकते हैं .
Jean Kerr जीन केर्र
Quote 39: Failure comes only when we forget our ideals and objectives and principles.
In Hindi: असफलता तभी मिलती है जब हम अपने आदर्शों , उद्देश्यों और सिद्धांतों को भूल जाते हैं .
Jawaharlal Nehru जवाहरलाल नेहरु
Quote 40:
Often the difference between a successful man and a failure is not
one’s better abilities or ideas, but the courage that one has to bet on
his ideas, to take a calculated risk, and to act.
In Hindi:
अक्सर एक सफल और एक असफल व्यक्ति के बीच का अंतर बेहतर
क्षमता या विचार नहीं होते , बल्कि अपनी योजना को क्रियान्वित
करने का साहस , समझबूझ कर जोखिम उठाना , और कार्य करना होता है .
Maxwell Maltz मैक्सवेल माल्त्ज़
Quote 41:
There can be no failure to a man who has not lost his courage, his
character, his self respect, or his self-confidence. He is still a King.
In Hindi:
जिस व्यक्ति ने अपना साहस , अपना चरित्र , अपना आत्मसम्मान या
आत्मविश्वास नहीं खोया है , वह असफल नहीं हो सकता . वो अभी भी एक
रजा है .
Orison Swett Marden ओरिसन स्वेट मार्डेन
Quote 42: About the only problem with success is that it does not teach you how to deal with failure.
In Hindi: सफलता के साथ बस एक ही समस्या है वो असफलता से कैसे निपटा जाये नहीं सीखती.
Tommy Lasorda टोमी लासोर्दा
Quote 43: A little more persistence, a little more effort, and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.
In Hindi: थोड़ी सी और
दृढ़ता , थोडा सा और प्रयास , और जो एक निराशाजनक असफलता दिख रही
थी वह एक शानदार सफलता में बदल सकती है .
Elbert Hubbard ऐल्बर्ट हब्बार्ड
Quote 44: A failure is a man who has blundered, but is not able to cash in the experience.
In Hindi: असफल वह व्यक्ति है जिसने गलती की , लेकिन वह उस अनुभव का लाभ नहीं उठा पाया .
Elbert Hubbardऐल्बर्ट हब्बार्ड
Quote 45: A minute’s success pays the failure of years.
In Hindi: एक मिनट की सफलता बरसों की असफलता की कीमत चुका देती है .
Robert Browning रोबर्ट ब्राउनिंग
Quote 46: Most success springs
from an obstacle or failure. I became a cartoonist largely because I
failed in my goal of becoming a successful executive.
In Hindi: ज्यादातर सफलताएँ
असफलता की ठोकर से उपजती हैं . मैं एक एग्जिक्यूटिव बनने के अपने
लक्ष्य में विफल होने के बाद एक कार्टूनिस्ट बना .
Scott Adams स्कोट एडम्स
Quote 47: Notice the difference
between what happens when a man says to himself, I have failed three
times, and what happens when he says, I am a failure.
In Hindi: उस अंतर पर ध्यान दीजिये जब एक व्यक्ति स्वयं से
कहता है कि वह तीन बार असफल हुआ है , और जब वह कहता है कि वह
एक असफल व्यक्ति है .
S. I. Hayakawa एस. आइ. हयाकावा
Quote 48: In politics, what begins in fear usually ends in failure.
In Hindi: राजनीति में , जो भय के साथ शुरू होता है अक्सर नाकामयाबी के साथ ख़त्म हो जाता है .
Samuel Taylor Coleridge सैम्युएल टेलर कोलेरिज़
Quote 49: There is much to be said for failure. It is much more interesting than success.
In Hindi: असफलता पर बहुत कुछ कहा जाना बाकि है . यह सफलता से कहीं अधिक दिलचस्प है.
Max Beerbohm मैक्स बीयार्बोम
Quote 50: Failure is nature’s plan to prepare you for great responsibilities.
In Hindi: असफलता , आपको बड़ी जिम्मेदारियों के लिए तैयार करने का प्रकृति का तरीका है .
Napolean Hill नेपोलियन हिल
Quote 51: Without failure there is no sweetness in success. There’s no understanding of it.
In Hindi: बिना असफलता के सफलता का कोई स्वाद नहीं है . उसकी कोई समझ नहीं है .
Glenn Beck ग्लेन बेक
Quote 52: If you’re 40 years old and you’ve never had a failure, you’ve been deprived.
In Hindi: यदि आप 40 साल के हैं और कभी असफल नहीं हुए हैं तो आपको वंचित रखा गया है .
Gloria Swanson ग्लोरिया स्वांसन
Quote 53: A
failure establishes only this, that our determination to succeed was not strong enough.
In Hindi: असफलता से बस यही प्रमाणित होता है , आपकी सफल होने के संकल्प में पर्याप्त शक्ति नहीं थी.
Christian Nestell Bovee क्रिश्चयन नेस्ले बोवी
Quote 54: A man who has never made a woman angry is a failure in life.
In Hindi: जिस व्यक्ति ने कभी किसी स्त्री को क्रोधित नहीं किया है वह अपने जीवन में असफल है .
Christopher Morley क्रिस्टोफर मोरले
Quote 55: The will to persevere is often the difference between failure and success.
In Hindi: दृढ रहने की इच्छाशक्ति अक्सर सफलता और असफलता के बीच का अंतर होती है .
David Sarnoff डेविड सर्नोफ्फ़
Quote 56: The man who has won millions at the cost of his conscience is a failure.
In Hindi: जिस व्यक्ति ने अपनी अंतरात्मा को दांव पर लगा कर लाखों जीतें हैं ; वह असफल है .
B. C. Forbes बी. सी फ़ोर्ब्स
Quote 57:If a building looks better under construction than it does when finished, then it’s a failure.
In Hindi: अगर कोई बिल्डिंग बनने के बाद की अपेक्षा बनते समय ज्यादा बेहतर दिखे तो वो असफल है .
Doug Coupland डौग कूप्लैंड
Quote 58: Failure is not our only punishment for laziness; there is also the success of others.
In Hindi: हमारे आलस्य की सजा सिर्फ हमारी असफलता नहीं है ; दूसरों की सफलता भी है .
We all know who Abraham Lincoln is?. He was the president of USA. Lot of failures for him before getting the president ship.
At 21 years of age, he failed in the business.
At 22 year of age, he was defeated in the election for assembly.
At 24 years of age he again tasted failure in the business.
At 26 years of age, his lover passes away.
At 27 years of age, he was in deep mental agony.
At 34 years of age, he was defeated in the American congress election.
At 45 years of age, he was defeated in the senate election.
At 47 years of age, he was defeated in the election for vice-president.
At 49 years of age, he was again defeated in the senate election.
one would have fed up with the defeat and live with what he has. But
Lincoln have fought all the defeats and found the success in the end.
Once a student named Tomy returned home from school crying loud. On seeing this his mother asked him what
had happened. He showed her a letter from his class teacher. His
classteacher complained that Tomy is not clever, brilliant and smart
enough to continue in the school. He is a laggard and the teacher
the Tomy's mother to transfer Tomy from the school. This Tomy later
become the great scientist THOMA ALVA EDISON. Thomas Alva Edison had
only 3 month education in the school. Thomas Elva Edison failed around
thousand times in the discovery of Electric bulb.
थॉमस अल्वा एडिसन, ये नाम है
उस छोटे से बच्चे का जिसे लोग मूर्ख समझा करते थे | बचपन में अपनी कई
शरारतों की वजह से इसको स्कूल से भी निकाल दिया गया |
एडिसन का एक famous
किस्सा तो सभी जानते ही होंगे जब एक बार क्लास में टीचर पढ़ा रही थी कि
पक्षी आसमान में उड़ते हैं क्यूंकी उनके पंख होते हैं | एडिसन ने कुछ सोचकर
टीचर से पूछा की पतंग के तो कोई पंख नहीं होते फिर भी वो कैसे उड़ती है|
टीचर को बच्चे का ये सवाल मूर्खतापूर्ण लगा और उसे डाँट दिया |
लेकिन घर आकर उसने देखा
की एक चिड़िया कीड़े खा रही थी उसने सोचा की ये कीड़े खाती है इसीलिए
आसमान में उड़ती है तो फिर क्या था उसने काफ़ी सारे कीड़े इकट्ठे किए और
अपनी नौकरानी की बेटी को खिला दिए जिससे वो बेचारी मार गयी| इस घटना के बाद
एडिसन को स्कूल से भी निकल दिया गया |
लेकिन बच्चे की
जिग्यासा अभी ख़त्म नहीं हुई थी | उसने घर पर ही रहकर मेहनत की और एक दिन
वो कर डाला जिसकी दुनिया में किसी ने कल्पना भी नहीं की थी | एडिसन ने अपनी
पूरी लाइफ काफ़ी आविष्कार किए जिनमें बल्व का आविष्कार सबसे famous था |
जिस बच्चे को लोग मूर्ख कहा करते थे उसने अपनी मेहनत से पूरी दुनियाँ को रोशन कर दिया |
तो मित्रों कहानी बहुत
पुरानी है लेकिन इसके पीछे बहुत ग़ूढ शिक्षा छिपी हुई है लाइफ में काफ़ी
सारी प्राब्लम आती हैं अपनी विफलताओं से हमें कभी घबराना नहीं चाहिए | अपनी
लाइफ का एक मकसद चुनो और उसमें इतना डूब जाओ की तुम्हें दुनियाँ की कोई
खबर ना रहे | फिर देखो एक दिन आपका भी नाम एडिसन जैसे लोगों के साथ ही लिया
जाएगा |
Dhirubhai Ambani started his entrepreneurial career by selling "bhajias" to pilgrims in Mount Girnar over the weekends during
his early days. After doing his matriculation at the age of 16,
Dhirubhai moved to Aden, Yemen. He worked there as a gas-station
attendant, and as a dispatch clerk with A.Besse
& Co. After becoming the distributor for the Shell products,A.Besse
& Co promoted Dhirubhai to manage the company`s oil filling station
at the port of Aden. But he returned to India in 1958 with Rs 50,000 and started the Reliance Commercial Corporation with a capital of Rs 15,000. From
modest Rs.50,000 his empire now worth around 10 lakhs crores. What more
he does not attend the school. If one has the patience and
self-confidence and dedication for the aim in his life, one can taste
success. Success will always follow the hard work. Clouds cannot always
keep the sun in darkness.
women who got 3 gold medals in Athletics in 1960 Olympics. Behind this
fantastic achievement there is astory to tell. True encouragement for
those guys who are desperate for success. For those people who think
that they have disabilities and shortcomings and can't succeed like
other winners, please read it .
Rudolf got Pneumonia and stroke at the age of 4. She has to wear Brace
as per medical advice. Everyone believed she could not walk all through
life. But her mother was not among them. She believed in hard work and
dedication and confidence. She encouraged Wilma to expect good and feel
good and work for the best. Her mother was confident that with practice
and hard work coupled with divine touch Wilma can walk again. The aim of
Wilma was to become the fastest women in the world.
the age of 9, she began to walk despite the advice of doctors not to do
so. Then from 13 th year onward she began to take part in the races.
But in all races she could only manage last places. At the age of 15 she
began training under Ed temple ,the trainer at Tennissi state
University. Wilma worked hard under the trainer and her confidence was
high. Her greatest weapon was hard work and confidence in her. At 1960
Olympics her opponent in 100m race was Jatta Hayden who was never
defeated. Wilma defeated her and won gold medal. In 200 m race also
Wilma defeated Hayden and won gold medal. In 400 m relay baton fallen
from Wilma ,but she took it back and won the race.
my belief not all have disabilities and short comings like Wilma had.
But we believe we are short of some thing. We are not like winners. We
lack something that winners have. It is the inner self that decide
winner and looser. Every one can become a winner provided one put the
hard work and dedication in the work.
सभी के जीवन में एक समय
ऐसा आता है जब सभी चीज़ें आपके विरोध में हो रहीं हों | चाहें आप एक
प्रोग्रामर हैं या कुछ और, आप जीवन के उस मोड़ पर खड़े होता हैं जहाँ सब
कुछ ग़लत हो रहा होता है| अब चाहे ये कोई सॉफ्टवेर हो सकता है जिसे सभी ने
रिजेक्ट कर दिया हो, या आपका कोई फ़ैसला हो सकता है जो बहुत ही भयानक साबित
हुआ हो |
लेकिन सही मायने में,
विफलता सफलता से ज़्यादा महत्वपूर्ण होती है | हमारे इतिहास में जितने भी
बिजनिसमेन, साइंटिस्ट और महापुरुष हुए हैं वो जीवन में सफल बनने से पहले
लगातार कई बार फेल हुए हैं | जब हम बहुत सारे कम कर रहे हों तो ये ज़रूरी
नहीं कि सब कुछ सही ही होगा| लेकिन अगर आप इस वजह से प्रयास करना छोड़
देंगे तो कभी सफल नहीं हो सकते |
हेनरी फ़ोर्ड, जो
बिलियनेर और विश्वप्रसिद्ध फ़ोर्ड मोटर कंपनी के मलिक हैं | सफल बनने से
पहले फ़ोर्ड पाँच अन्य बिज़निस मे फेल हुए थे | कोई और होता तो पाँच बार
अलग अलग बिज़निस में फेल होने और कर्ज़ मे डूबने के कारण टूट जाता| लेकिन
फ़ोर्ड ने ऐसा नहीं किया और आज एक बिलिनेअर कंपनी के मलिक हैं |
अगर विफलता की बात करें तो थॉमस अल्वा एडिसन का नाम सबसे पहले आता है| लाइट बल्व बनाने से पहले उसने लगभग 1000 विफल प्रयोग किए थे |
अल्बेर्ट आइनस्टाइन जो 4
साल की उम्र तक कुछ बोल नहीं पता था और 7 साल की उम्र तक निरक्षर था | लोग
उसको दिमागी रूप से कमजोर मानते थे लेकिन अपनी थ्ओरी और सिद्धांतों के बल
पर वो दुनिया का सबसे बड़ा साइंटिस्ट बना |
अब ज़रा सोचो की अगर
हेनरी फ़ोर्ड पाँच बिज़नेस में फेल होने के बाद निराश होकर बैठ जाता, या
एडिसन 999 असफल प्रयोग के बाद उम्मीद छोड़ देता और आईन्टाइन भी खुद को
दिमागी कमजोर मान के बैठ जाता तो क्या होता?
हम बहुत सारी महान प्रतिभाओं और अविष्कारों से अंजान रह जाते |
तो मित्रों, असफलता सफलता से कहीं ज़्यादा महत्वपूर्ण है…..
When he was a boy, he delivered newspapers and filed his first tax return at age 13 – and he claimed $35 deduction for the bicycle he bought. Now he is the second richest person in the world.
The themes behind all the stories are that these leaders dream big. Really big.
need of introduction. In 1998 Google sets up workspace in Susan
Wojcicki's garage at 232 Santa Margarita, Men-lo park and Larry and
Sergey hire Craig Silverstein as their first employee. Rest is history.
They too failed first. They approached Yahoo in their earlier years for
selling the idea. But the reply was NO. Then what happened. Now Google
is bigger than Yahoo.
Nowadays people
tend to give more focus on failures. They easily come to the conclusion
that they are not capable of doing it. Anyone who believes he can do
it, can do it hundreds of times if he try it for 99 times. There is no
short cut to success. We can achieve success only by sheer hard work and
practice. Without these things success will always elude you. All
success people have short comings. All failed people too have short
comings. The difference is that success people try hard to impair their
shortcomings but failed one repent and live and die along with their
She lost her left leg in an accident in 2001. She become the first leg amputee to take part in the Paralympics and Olympics. Above
mentioned stories always encourages desperate guys. Almost all human
beings failed in their life many times. Almost every one. There is a
story behind every success. The path to success is difficult. It is only
the first that is always talked more. Neel Armstrong is more famous
than Edwin Adrin. People will remember success for more time. They will
remember the guy who come the first. Not the second. 2008
Olympics in 10k open water race she finished creditable 16 th out of 24
racers. Just over one minute behind the winner. The event is termed as
Wrestling in water. That shows the stamina NATALIE DU TOIT has. If she
live the life after the accident just like the most do then we may not
have heard her name. She done it with her courage and hard work and
Carl Marx said ' change is the only thing that does not change'. Change
your life for good. Things will follow. There is no short cut to
success. When you do the half the god will you the another half. There
is no point in saying god is not favoring me. I have no luck. Luck will
only favor the brave. Those who have Never say die attitude will succeed
in life. Waiting for the god to give every thing in life is rubbish.
God give the half only to those who are hard working and dedicate. "Success
consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm"'.
These are the words of Winston Churchill. There is no easy success.
Failures are the stepping stone of success. This great man had failed in
the 6 th grade. Can you believe.
Producer told her she was "unattractive" and could not act. If she
heard that words and obeyed according to it, then what will be her life.
She tried hard and achieved success.
Adolf Hitler
comes from peasant family. He worked as a construction worker. He was
fired by the boss from his job. He does not own a home in his early
years. He lives in abject poverty. He was not admitted into the art
school. He was rejected by the Austrian Army for the reason that he is unfit. Even if he got into German army, he never rose above the rank of corporal.
great Sachin that we all know had never attended college. During his
early periods he was trying to become a fast bowler and started training
to become a pace bowler. But the great Dennis Lille was not impressed
with him and ask him to focus in his batting. Rest is history. For 79
one dayers he could not score a century. In the 80 th One day he got it
and then the centuries are flowing now. It is not stopped yet. He is the
most successful Indian sports men. He has the most fans in the world.
He is the most respected individual in India. Still he is booed off by
the home ground, at Wankade stadium, Mumbai. for his lack of in the
India-England series. He was suffering from lot of injuries and all
doubted his good days are over. His critics gained more voice and all
expect Sachin to say good bye to the sport. 2000-2007 was the most
worrisome for the Great. Even the then coach Chappel wants
him to resign from the team.
can't keep the sun under it for long. Then through hard work and
dedication Sachin got back into form and created new records in Cricket
like, Most centuries in cricket both in test and odi's , 2oo in Odi,
Most runs in tests and Odi. Now no one dare to touch him. He is the only
one to decide his date of retirement. The career of Sachin should
taught us the way how one should approach life. His life combined with
ups and downs. The hard work he put into his work truly admirable.
Dedication, self confidence, ability to stay grounded amidst much
fanfare, belief in his abilities, punctuality keep him the most admired
and successful personalities in the world.
is a man who has no hands, no legs. What is the importance of
Hirotoda?. What you can expect from this man. Normally what these
handicapped people will do. You can imagine. But Hirotoda learn to write
using his chin and shoulders. He has completed education. What more?.
He has written an autobiography named 'GOTAI FUMANZOKU'. This book sold
in more numbers than any other book in Japan. He has completed teaching
education and he started to work as a teacher. If Hirotoda can achieve
all these without any hands or legs, then think about you who have been
bestowed with all organs and abilities.
was girl named Joe. She lived in a flat having only one room. She is
having a girl child to whom one room is not enough to play. Joe is very
fond of writing. But the child won't let her to write. So she takes her
to coffee shop and she wrote stories at the coffee shop. Joe and her
daughter spend the time like
this. She doesn't get a any help from her husband. He had left her long
back. Joe was struggling to meet both ends met. Still she worked hard
to write as much as she can in the coffee shop. With all the hard
work her first book was published and the name of the book is ' Harry
potter and philosopher stone '. She got 1500 pound for her
book. Now that Joe is popularly called J.K.Rowling. She is more richer
than Queen Elizabeth. Now her earning comes to around 54.5crores pounds .
How come that possible for a lady living alone without any help?. It
is due to her preservance and hard work. She stick to her abilities. God
gave the rest. My advice for the desperate guys is, not to prey to the
God for money and wealth. You have some abilities. Try to use those
abilities in you. Make your abilities work for you. God will give you
the rest.
Jobs need no introduction to anybody in the world. But you know he had
slept in the floor of friend's door rooms. He returned coke bottles for
money. Steve jobs while in India, regularly got weekly free meals from
local temple. A below par student as per the
teachers of his school. But how he made Billions. Sheer hard work and
confidence in his abilities. Perseverance and sticking to his strengths
and proving that he means business. Rest is history.
great success story.... Walt Disney dropped out from school at the age
of 16. First he worked as cartoonist. Rejected from the army due to
under age, He worked as a news paper artist. Nobody wanted to hire him
as artist. Then he moved to a new job of making ads for news papers
which was a temporary job. Then along with his brother he acquired
Laugh-O-Gram which went into bankruptcy and he was unable to pay his
debts. But he never losses heart. He continued working hard and explored
newer ways of making successes and rest is history.
in the world now knows about Infosys. But how many knows how the
company come into existence. N.R.Narayana murthy who is the founder of
the company had borrowed $250 from his wife, Sudha Murthy for starting
the company. Mr. Murthy had a dream. But no money. But he has the
courage and knowledge and dedication. Early days the company had no
phone, no car, no independent office. The company was on the brink of
collapse during the early years. Still they managed to keep it afloat.
His conviction about his skills and will power make things happen. Now
Infosys is a fortune 500 company and India's second largest software
company. Any one invested in 100 shares of Infosys in 1993 when the
share was offered at Rs.93 to public, their wealth now stands at more
than 2 Crores. This is a truly great success story.
Jesse Owns, a great hero and great story behind and a great
too. His path towards glory and fame is an eye opener for everyone.
Everyone who is facing trouble times can look forward tohim and after
reading these sentences can make them rejuvenated. Jesse Owens was born
in 1913 and his childhood, he gone through abject poverty. His teacher
in the school found out the talent of Jesse. He worked in the shoe
repair shop in the evening and found out time to exercise in the
morning. Since being a black, he has to suffer a lot. He was rejected
from the good facilities, food, better mode of travel etc... during the
early career. No scholarship, no free meal. He had raced with race
horses and motor vehicle in order to earn money. He had worked in a gas
station for meeting both ends meet. The poverty in his family make him
to work even at the age of 7. All through these difficulties, he kept
his talent and worked the way to keep justice to the talent. Hard work
and dedication and confidence in his abilities reward him in the form of
4 gold medals in the 1936 Berlin Olympics. His record in the long jump
stood for around 25 years. He was awarded with presidential medal of
17.Great success story of Nirma.
is a company in India which enjoys a turnover of more than 700 million
and which employs more than 14,000 people. This company was founded by
Karsanbhai Patel. According to Forbes his net worth near to 1 Billion.
He started his business when the detergent
business was mainly controlled by MNC's. You can imagine how hard to
fight with MNCs. But Karsabbhai Patel did n't think so. He want to
make a point. For that he beleives in deeds rather than words. He
started making Detergent powder in his backyard. The he sold the
product door to door. Self confidence and faith in his abilities and
hard work make him successful. Now Nirma become the largest detergent
and the company becomes the second largest Soap company in India.
18. Great come back and success story of Lance Armstrong.
As the name suggest he is strong. He is strong in his mind as well as in his confidence. At the age of 25, he became
one of the best cyclist of world. But at the same age, he was tested
positive for 3rd stage testicular cancer. The cancer spread to his
lungs, heart, brain, abdomen. What a tragedy for any one at the age of
25?. What will you do if you are in his shoes?. Lance Armstrong set
aside his sorrows and began to study about the cancer that he had and
after repeated surgeries, he escaped from cancer in testicles and brain,
The doctor give him 40 percent chance of surviving. But some how his
cancer gets into remission. Then exercised hard and his workouts were
legendary for their difficulty and they launched him out of his
setbacks. Then he come back into the sporting world with a fourth place
in Spain in 1988. In 1999 he entered Tour De France and he won it. It
is just 2 years after diagnosing with cancer. No one in history has
won seven straight Tour De France titles and in 2005 he retired from
races. This story has rejuvenated many in the world. This is one of
the greatest comebacks of all time. Any one who is self obsessed with
the minor short comings that they have, can look into the story of Lans
and lead them right back into the path of success.
the performance enhancing drugs do the trick for him. In 2012 he
admitted about taking performance enhancing drugs and he was denied of
all the trophies and titles including the Tour de france. The house
hold name of Lance Armstrong fades as a failure or rather a cheater.
All his achievements losses its glitter. Still the fight back will be
treated by everyone as a motivation but not the drug using.
19. Success Story of Wright Brothers
Wilber and Orville brothers who invented Aircraft were not
come from great back ground. They fought hard in life to meet
in life. Wilber didn't receive diploma due to family's abrupt move to
Dayton. Orville dropped out from school. At the age of 18 Wilber was
struck with a Hockey stick in which he lost teeth, after that he began
to suffer from nervous palpitation of heart. This resulted in the
stopping of education and subsequent home staying for Wilber. Then
after the death of mother, Orville also stopped education and they
started a printing business. Not great. Then they changed their
business into automobiles. After 4 year they get into the business of
Bicycles. Then some how, they acquired more knowledge about
aeronautics. First experiment in 1900 failed. Then in 1901, 2
experimental flights are also failed. Then in 1902 they tasted success
and rest is history.
20. Success Story of Scoichiro Honda
Honda is the founder of Honda Motor corporation. He hasn't inherited
the Honda Corporation from his parents. He hasn't bought the Honda
Corporation from any one else. He started the company from the scratch.
Scoichiro Honda spend his childhood helping his father who was a
bicycle repairer. His mother was a weaver. He has no formal education.
At the age of 15 he worked in a garage. Then with the financial help
from a friend, he started a piston ring making company named Tokai Seiki.
His products were rejected by the Toyota, citing bad quality. He
didn't lose heart in the rejection. He used this rejection to make him
more competitive. He visited various Toyota centers and closely
studied Toyota's quality standards. It is almost took 2 years to get a
contract from Toyota again. After getting success, the company was
taken over by the same Toyota. The company was destroyed by the US bomb
attack during world war 2. Then Scoichiro Honda sold the remaining of
the factory to Toyota and started Honda Technical Research Institute.
Rest is history. Now you know how big is the Honda Company is. With
such a below standard situations and set backs that Scoichiro Honda come
through in his early years, only his determination to find out the
success from failures make him a great in his field.
21. Success Story of Pele
greatest Football player, the world had ever seen. No comparison. No
football player can claim his spot in the Football history. His feats
are yet to be matched by any other players. His early life was in
abject poverty. He worked as a servant in tea shops to meet both ends
met. He can't afford a Football. He can't buy a Football. He played
with either a sock filled with paper balls or a grapefruit. But talent
and hard work can overcome any poverty and hardships if one can apply
dedication and focus on what one is capable off. Just like Pele every
one can find success if he can follow the great player in every aspects.
22. Success Story of Issac Newton
Issac Newton, like everyone knows was a physicist,
natural philosopher, alchemist, theologian and he is considered as the
most influential scientist. But his past is not known to many. After 3
months of his birth, his father died and his mother remarried. He was
left at the mercy of grant fathers. He was expelled from the school in
his early life. He was considered a unpromising student in the school.
The he was tried in farming. But luckily he was not a good farmer.
Then the raw talent was noticed by his uncle who works in Trinity
college and he was admitted there. Rest is history.
23. Success story of Oscar Pistorius
Born 22nd Nov.1986. Oscar Pistorius, congenital absence of the fibula
in his legs from his birth onward When he was 11 months old his legs
his legs were amputated halfway between his knees and ankles. He first
tried his hands in Rugby, then in water polo, then Tennis. After a
serious rugby knee injury, he began to focus on running. Then never
looked back. It was very hard to find a suitable running blades. From
different brands to even locally made one, all were failed. Then Ossur
produced one for him. According to Oscar Pistorius, " You are not
disabled by the disabilities you have, you are able by the abilities you
have". Lot of disputes and controversies happen over his artificial
legs. His hard work
coupled with confidence let all controversies to dies, and people began
to take notice his performances. He is the only athlete to take part in
Paralympics as well as Olympics. In Paralympics he has won 6 gold
medal and one silver and one silver in the world championship.
24. Success story of Ray Kroc and McDonald
"If I had a brick for every time I've repeated
the phrase Quality, Service, Cleanliness and Value, I think I'd
probably be able to bridge the Atlantic Ocean with them". -Ray Kroc.
Words from a great man who had a great story to tell. When Ray Kroc
was at 15 years of age,he was about to start as an ambulance driver, but
by that time war ended in 1917. Then his career turns into piano
player, paper cup sales man, multi mixer sales man. One day he got a
big order from a restaurant in San Francisco. When he delivered the mixers, he analysed what is going on in the small restaurant for this much order. It was run by Dick and Mac McDonald. The restaurant focused on very few items like burgers, fries and beverages. Ray Kroc felt that the theme behind the restaurant is good and he has a great opportunity in making it big. He then succeeded in
making this idea big and were able convince the brothers in spreading
the business. In 1955 Ray Kroc started McDonald corporation and bought
the exclusive right to the McDonald name in 1960. Then following the
idea of quality with sheer efforts and long vision, he able to build an
empire which every one can do it in their dreams.
25. Success story of Dr.Seuss
Dr.Seuss first book was rejected by 27 different publishers. But these rejections made him stubborn and increased his will power and he become the most popular children's book author ever.